Gala the Irish Dexter Cow
This is Gala, registration number 039298. This young lady is the sweetest, tamest cow that we have in our herd. We have not spent a lot of time trying to tame her. She is naturally tame. She has always just let us come up to her and pet her. I bet I could go up to her right now and put a halter on her, even though she has never been haltered. And then I bet I could just lead her wherever, and she would be happy to go with me. Crazy tame. We hope all her calves will get her gentle personality!

This lady does not care if the kids get on her back and ride her around. I think the kids want a horse so bad that they are going for the next best thing. It will be interesting to see if the kids will be able to train her like a horse!

Gala is so fuzzy with her winter fur! Dexters are so adaptable to frigid weather, similar to a Highlander, because of their furry winter coat! Pure awesomeness!
Gala's mother is Timberview Anna, registration 022107. Anna was our first Dexter purchase and we are happy that she is still on our property and has given us lots of milk, cream and yogurt. Amaaaazing to be this spoiled! Anna is pretty easy going but Gala is even more so. Sometimes we wonder if Gala is just lazy, she just doesn't want to be bothered with having to move out of the way, so she just lets us do whatever to her!

Gala's father is Hillview Redwing, registration number 12899. Gala is a product of artificial insemination. That is a great way to go if you don't have a bull on your property. Luckily, we had a farmer friend that knew the ropes of Artificial Insemination and has helped us out.
You can go on the American Dexter Cattle Association to find some great Dexter bulls'