I garden for the nutrition that can be brought to the kitchen and table. I garden for the beauty that a garden can bring. Every winter, I dream about what kind of flowers and veggies I can grow. It's so fun to harvest my own herbs and even forage on our land for nutritious weeds to make into tea, add to salads and also to benefit our health!

I have a lot of raised beds for my vegetables. You might be surprised by how much produce I get out of a 8 foot by 4 foot raise bed. I used to garden in a much larger space but could not keep up with the weeds and my little kids too! All those weeds were a huge source of guilt. I want to have more produce than I can handle, not more weeds than I can handle!

Being out in the garden is so enjoyable and feels so peaceful. I love being out there before the kids wake up. At this time, I am not planning on posting a whole lot on gardening because my focus will be on farm animals and what we have learned through raising them. But I realize no homestead is complete without a garden and I enjoy beautiful gardens, so I will post pictures of my garden just for fun!

Our $50 greenhouse from the local store that was closing. Yes, we find value in the cast off from others! Our pigs are in here for the winter all cozy and loving life. Then we clean it out and put in above ground vegetables. Then the pigs clean it up in the fall when we put them back in!

Our first harvest of apples from our orchard in 2017. We have been waiting for our first harvest for some time!

Visitors checking out the garden! One of my favorite breeds for chickens is Buff Orpingtons! They are so friendly! Mr. Buff the rooster has been my favorite rooster! Never mean. Chickens are so pretty, I love seeing them roam around the yard.

My hoop house that grows all kinds of veggies for us. Hoop houses can extend the beginning and the end of the growing season. I grow the veggies in raised beds on the ground.

One way that I can support my blog and bring you info that might help you, is for me to get a small percentage when you order through my links with Amazon. I have picked out some items that are super useful when you are going to start gardening. These items I already own and use, or feel that I would like to buy myself. The Square Foot Gardening Book has revolutionized my garden! I own the same Corona pruner. ( I have went through a lot of pruners, this one works very well. I have always owned a set of garden tools like the one listed. I always wear Nitrile garden gloves, when out in the garden. I wear the same garden shoes on my list. I have went through 2 pair of these babies over 10 years. Mainly, because I mistreat them on a daily basis! Because I mulch a lot in my garden, I have discovered that a good old garden fork (potato fork) works perfect for getting out pesky weeds and grasses.
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